Connecting And Re-Connecting
Re-connecting with people with whom we have lost earlier relationships, or re-connecting with activities we previously enjoyed (i.e., reading, listening to music, or playing our favorite instrument) is so-o-o important.
Re-connecting is much the same as connecting. It's the silver lining to what we are going through, right now. And it's not only about connecting, or re-connecting, with others-- it's about connecting, or re-connecting, with ourselves.
Slowing things down and connecting, or re-connecting, in a truly meaningful way-- it's the exact opposite of getting back to work-- which is currently being touted as the thing we, and the economy, need to be doing. Sure, we are all going a little crazy sheltering at home, and returning to the office sound pretty good right about now, but really?
I read a wonderful book a while back entitled, In Praise of Slow, and liked it so much that I subsequently met, and struck up an email back-and-forth with the author, Carl Honore-- a man who is very approachable and extremely generous with his time. I also listened again to Carl's TED talk about the SLOW movement, and he said something that just about knocked me off my feet: "Sometimes we need a wake-up call", before we resolve to slow down. His wake-up call did not come in the form of COVID-19, but it was a much needed jolt, nonetheless.
I haven't run the idea by Carl, but it strikes me that the SLOW movement is largely about-- perhaps, all about-- connecting, or re-connecting. And so are (curiously, for some) mindfulness and the practice of meditation. The SLOW movement is all about connecting, or-reconnecting with people, places and things -- the other. Mindfulness and meditation are all about connecting, or re-connecting, with ourselves.
That difference aside, both the SLOW movement and mindfulness/meditation are all about (at least, to me) shared experience. The way one gets there may differ, but the ultimate destination is the same-- a shared experience that can connect, or re-connect, us with each other through qualities like curiosity, observation, savoring and qualitative tasting-- making ephemeral moments, "phemeral".
Shared experience is one of the foundational pillars of communication, which is something all of us-- especially lawyers-- should value and cultivate. As Carl Honore puts it, so succinctly, we need to get in touch with our, "inner tortoise" and who knows? Maybe sheltering at home and social distancing will provide the wake-up call we need-- reminding us that life is to be lived. It's not simply gotten through.
Connect with others. Re-connect with ourselves. That's the good stuff!
Re-connecting is much the same as connecting. It's the silver lining to what we are going through, right now. And it's not only about connecting, or re-connecting, with others-- it's about connecting, or re-connecting, with ourselves.
Slowing things down and connecting, or re-connecting, in a truly meaningful way-- it's the exact opposite of getting back to work-- which is currently being touted as the thing we, and the economy, need to be doing. Sure, we are all going a little crazy sheltering at home, and returning to the office sound pretty good right about now, but really?
I read a wonderful book a while back entitled, In Praise of Slow, and liked it so much that I subsequently met, and struck up an email back-and-forth with the author, Carl Honore-- a man who is very approachable and extremely generous with his time. I also listened again to Carl's TED talk about the SLOW movement, and he said something that just about knocked me off my feet: "Sometimes we need a wake-up call", before we resolve to slow down. His wake-up call did not come in the form of COVID-19, but it was a much needed jolt, nonetheless.
I haven't run the idea by Carl, but it strikes me that the SLOW movement is largely about-- perhaps, all about-- connecting, or re-connecting. And so are (curiously, for some) mindfulness and the practice of meditation. The SLOW movement is all about connecting, or-reconnecting with people, places and things -- the other. Mindfulness and meditation are all about connecting, or re-connecting, with ourselves.
That difference aside, both the SLOW movement and mindfulness/meditation are all about (at least, to me) shared experience. The way one gets there may differ, but the ultimate destination is the same-- a shared experience that can connect, or re-connect, us with each other through qualities like curiosity, observation, savoring and qualitative tasting-- making ephemeral moments, "phemeral".
Shared experience is one of the foundational pillars of communication, which is something all of us-- especially lawyers-- should value and cultivate. As Carl Honore puts it, so succinctly, we need to get in touch with our, "inner tortoise" and who knows? Maybe sheltering at home and social distancing will provide the wake-up call we need-- reminding us that life is to be lived. It's not simply gotten through.
Connect with others. Re-connect with ourselves. That's the good stuff!
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