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Equanimity: Ultimate Tool In The Lawyer Toolkit

According to Gil Fronsdal, in a talk he gave at the Insight Meditation Center in 2004, "While some may think of equanimity as a dry neutrality or cool aloofness, mature equanimity produces a radiance and warmth of being.... As mindfulness becomes stronger, so does our equanimity. We see with greater independence and freedom. And, at the same time, equanimity becomes an inner strength that keeps us balanced in the middle of all that is".

I work hard to nurture and maintain a sense of equanimity through regular meditation which is, I believe, what Gil Fronsdal intended by referencing mindfulness (See, other pages in this website re: the distinction I see between mindfulness and meditation). The verbiage may be a bit confusing, but I wouldn't let that get in the way-- we don't need to get down in the weeds to become more equanimous. It's the quality of equanimity that we all seek, and how we achieve that is really beside the point.

In the secular, or everyday world, the impact that equanimity can have on our response to the slings and arrows we all encounter every day, is really quite dramatic-- especially us lawyers, who make a living by shouldering the challenges that clients face and helping them work through those challenges. That's no small task.

Arguably, equanimity is the essence of what clients need from a lawyer-- it's the foundation upon which our knowledge of the law and related advice, are built. Absent confidence and equanimity. clients are often reluctant to act upon the advice of their lawyer-- that's really where the rubber hits the proverbial road.

Can equanimity be cultivated? Sure, but how can we do that? Well, it won't come as a surprise to hear my take-- mindfulness and meditation. They both encourage greater awareness of ourselves, and in turn, facilitate a greater awareness of others.

In communicating with pretty much anyone-- how we express ourselves is every bit as important as what we have to say. Unfortunately, most lawyers are taught to focus exclusively on the what, without much regard for the how, and that's a lost opportunity. At root, communication is about connection, and we should never minimize the opportunity to do that.

Equanimity= connection+ trust.


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