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I'm Grateful For....

Starting with the obvious, I'm grateful today for the healthy baby that my daughter-in-law and son had yesterday. He's the fifth grandchild-- all of them healthy-- and I love every one of them. Most importantly, I'm grateful that I've been able to develop unique relationships with all of them, and that they all live within a 30-minute drive. How lucky is that?

I'm grateful that my three kids have gone out of their way to nurture relationships with the grandkids and maintain their own relationships with my wife and me. And I'm grateful for the fact that my wife works so hard to make all that happen. Relationships don't just happen-- being an all-to-typical guy, that's a lesson I had to learn!

Getting more granular, I'm grateful for what my soon-to-be seven-year-old grandson taught me (the Spring he was four), about mindfulness. Little does he know, but his curiosity and attention to detail taught me an awful lot about something I had forgotten-- the power of focus and awareness. Childlike is not childish-- what a concept to rediscover!

I'm grateful for the hour of quiet I enjoy each morning. I'm grateful for my first cup of tea, and I'm grateful for the typically peaceful descent with the dog, down into "the holler" with the sun in the treetops, most mornings. I'm grateful for the opportunity to think and I'm grateful for the chance to write a blog-- I'm also grateful for the people who read it.

I'm grateful for increasing recognition of the importance of lawyer wellbeing-- which I care an awful lot about. I'm grateful for the willingness of others to keep an open mind about wellbeing-- both at home, and in the workplace.

I'm grateful that I rediscovered gratitude journaling, as a tool for self-care!

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